S'true. I have finally found a way to brutally bash in the forces of my hair. Das right. I can now making a spiffing good halfpony that my mom despises but that i think looks good. I was a little self-concious of this walking to shul today with yonina, so i asked her about it.
Me: Yonina, is it better to have everyone but you like your hair, or that you like your hair, but no one else does?
Yonina:...hmmm...that's pretty tough...
Me: (surprised she understood the question) so what do you think?
Yonina: Well, let's look at it this way iguana. Why don't you pull down your hood, and if I say your hair is good, it's probably good.
Me: pulls down hood. So what do you think?
Yonina: it's not ugly.
Me:...well...what does that mean?
Yonina: Well there are two kinds of hairstyles. There's really good, and ugly.
Me: so no in-between?
Yonina: well in-between would be 'okay'.
Me; so is my hair 'okay'?
Yonina: it's not ugly.
Shaken by these words of wisdom spouted by my 8 year old sister, i continued into teh shul. Davening went off without a hitch, cept there was this really inconciderate person davening next to me who didn't feel like davening silently like the rest of the planet. So, instead of focusing on my heavenly prayers, i contented myself by listening to her practically yell in my ear. Trust me, when you're in a huge room, and it's musaf, so no on'es talking, and the person next to you won't daven to themselves, it's pretty loud.
Anyway, that afternoon we had company, so i got out pretty late. I got invited by my frend to go to b'not that shabbat, so i decided to deck it out. When I got there, they were having some kind of sermen about tziniut, which didn't surprise me. In fact, i spent the whole sermon focusing on the fact that i desperately needed a tissue. But ya know, the counselor was really going at it, so I didn't want to interupt. After that we played simon says. So I pretty much know this ain't gonna be a worthwhile investment. My frends assured me that they didn't play simon says every shabbat, but seriously, that was my reason for not going. It's and 8g b'not, what the heck else are they supposed to do? I mean, that's what the little kids do, right?
Anways, after that, me and two frends rounded out to another frend's house to play apples-to apples (or wahtever) then shared embarresing medical stories. Then I went home. Played space quest with Rafs...yeah...
I'm going to miami on monday peeps. I'll post some pictures. I'm bringing this laptop with.
My dad or someone, i really don't know i wasn't there when it happeened, bought the sq series with VOICES!!!!! FINALLY!!! I HAD GIVEN UP HOPE!!!!!!!!! I WILL NEVER HAVE TO READ TONGUE-TWISTERS TO YONINA WHILE PLAYING EVER AGAAAAAAAAIN!!!
Plus, I won't have to read stuff like this; try it, it's not easy:
"From inside the elevator, you can't touch the inlay outlay relay array. You can't even SAY inlay outlay relay array."
going to go watch her bro play modern warfare 2,
iguana W_W (i'm wearing my glasses, those are them pretend)