Saturday, May 29, 2010


See you when i get back from WashingSt.LouOrlanCago!!!!!

I'll post pix, i don't promise, i don't have the kind of commitment.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Greetings everyone, I would like to start out this blog post by pointing out some helpful tips to a friend of mine;


This is MILWAUKEE we are talking about! It's NOT SUPPOSED TO BE 90 degrees yet! It's only MAY for god's sake! IT WON'T BE JUNE FOR ONE MORE WEEK THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

Speaking of June, guess who's ready for graduation???

I dunno, your guess is as good as mine. Better even, cuz ur not high.

Another words, guess whose senior trip is this sunday?? THAT'S WRITE! We's going to CHICAGO! Land of milk and honey, city of gold, MECCA!

Hmm...maybe it's not that good..But I plan to bring my ipod, and my camera (u don't even want to KNOW what kinda goodies I've got on that camera...let's just say it's enough to put me on buzz for a lifetime or two..)

Umm...what now..Assassin's Creed is still awesome, school ends in two weeks, I'm graduating 8th grade and moving into high school...I believe I've already discussed that...

Meh, i tink that's it. I'll be back with more later if i feel like it. My broman just came home, and I have to watch him make an idiot of himself on Xbox Live.

Can't stop singin Taylor Swift since she saw a Ezio/Rosa Love Story music video,
iguana >:D

Monday, May 17, 2010

Last warning before SHAVUOT

That's right, all yall. Shavuuot is upon us all. (or National Jewish Cheesecake Holliday, to use its less common name)

Like nobody is to be home though! The Rafster isn't coming till next week...Kovi's in Israael...shua's in leh'shool (ptooie!)...

But fear not, good friends...for my mom's friend is coming with her BABY! YAY! I get to eat a baby for the holliday! I take that! I take it HEAD ON!

But my last baby experience was my little cousin in israel, whom with I spoke mostly hebrew. But listening to her talk in hebrew was so cute in funny..I'm gonna have to resist talking to this one in hebrew because I don't want her to get kinda confused later on. But or two words can't hurt...

So how much cheesecake should I eat before it's considered "dangerous"? We all know at least three cakes will be deposited on the counter before the 3 day yuntif is done...And without shua...I don't know who's gonna eat it.


I think that's enough for one night...I mean...I've got fangirilng to do elsewayr. BAI!

hyperly (is this a word? discuss. I want it on my desk by monday)
iguana @u@

EXPLANATION: We apologize- Iguana was just watching AC2 music videos. They were teh ROXORS.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sick? Or what?

Maybe I ams leh'sick (pardon our french).

My throats are KILLING me...I cannah speak sometimes. So I takes leh'ibuprofen. And it is leh'weird. I am always tired. Except at night, when i am trying to sleep. I assume this can only mean i've started sleepwalking and am now nocturnal.

My mawmma says if i stay home friday, i have to help her. I guess that means she doesn't particularly mind if i get my filthy germs all over her food, so i'll give it a go. I'm pretty sure I got it from someone in my class, person I am doing the play with. We have to sit next to each other in one scene, and she was a complete wreck. This is why..if you are sick...
















and that's a wrap.

Going to play piano (since due to some strange loophole in the universe, the sicker i get, the better piano I play,)

Iguana =_=

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Play writing? I'm your man!

Yuh, I just wrote a play about a family going out for fast food in the fifties. Well, that's not really true, my friends helped- we (a group of four) have to write, direct, and perform a play about the fifties to satisfy our teacher- and so far I think we've done pretty well. Basically, I typed on a computer, and the rest of the group read over my shoulder and told me what to change and what to keep. I was writing in the same trance I descend into when I write fanfiction. I re-read it when I'm done and think 'huh. I wrote that?'

This is why very often, I'll come back to my laptop the next day and accidentaly open a file marked 'new text document' and walk away forever scarred.

I'm very slowly becoming obsessed with the song 'todah li aba' by Itzik Orlev. It's one of dem catchy-beat songs. Plus it's got a piano! Sol'd!

Speaking of piano, I'm seriously getting more desperate than ever in school...The piano is RIGHT FRIGGIN THERE! I like sit at the bench during break and munch quietly on my cereal bars while I try REALLY REALLY hard not to open up and start playing. Sometimes I play right hand only, so it's not technically a song. But it's completely and totally not working out. I need to play zeh MUSIC! My techinique at home is slipping too because I can't practice during the day.

And don't say "well then just play anyway, and when the charaidim jump on you, just tell them it's for practice". Cuz that no worky. It doesn't matter WHAT you do, it's not good enough for the ultra-brats I deal with (no offense intended ultra-brats, you all know who you are)

For some reason, I keep thinking to myself- "Just wait till next year. You'll be in high-school! You'll be the youngest class! It's not POSSIBLY to still be dealing with snivelling little brats then!"

Somehow I doubt that. Still, the prospect of 'next year will be SOOOO much better' is looming over me. Now I'm drastically afraid of disappointment. I've been looking forward to high-school for a while because it defines an important section in one's life: when you stopped being a kid and became an adult (theoretically speaking). Whenever my parents start a sentence with 'back when I was in high-school' I find myself instantly entranced. Maybe it's because I've always really liked learning about history- what stuff was LIKE back then. (which makes Assassin's Creed all the more enjoyable, they do a FANTASTIC job of bringing the past to life) but even before we had a video game console I read books like 'Time for Andrew', and the magic treehouse books. Who could forget them?

Meh. That's a lot of words. I have to go to deviantart and satisfy my craving to look at AC motivational posters.

iguana U_U

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I just passed out!

And it felt GREAT.
(for details, see bazillion comments below)

PS- i not kidding.

Music = YES!

Yes, that's write folks! Sphira for me is OVAH!! And guess what I'm listnin to? One guess, come on, come on!

Wow! First try for all of you! That's right, the soundtracks for Assassin's Creeds ONE AND TWO otherwise known as AWESOME MCAWESOMENSS!!!!!!!!!!

huff huff huff.

Another words, my bro wants me to start cooking him brownies and he'll sell them to WITSers again. But I wouldn't be making much, if anything, and the details are still really sketchy. I'm not sure where I would be getting my ingredients from either, cuz I don't exactly have any money right now. Maybe I can work out with my mom that I start with her ingredients, then I'll start paying her for them once I start making a profit...I dunno...Should I even go through with this stuff?...YOU DECIDE! Let's take a vote! I'll be looking forward to your freakishly long, depressing comments!

Next on the leest...I can do a wealth of accents due to my extreme 24 hours playing of Assassin's Creed! No really, I wished I played 24 hours...I only played one today...I was out for most of it. In the morning I went to go see my great-grandpa with my mom, cuz I had some thirties hits to play him, but he had some visitors (his cousin and my great-aunt-third-cousin-belluga-whale) so I stayed up there with them for like forty minutes then I went downstairs to play the piano for the little cleaning lady in there.

Then in the afternoon we went to go see the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the museum. I remain unimpressed. I mean, the exhibit was pretty much: "The Dead Sea Scrolls. Here They Are." And then you could look at them. I thought it was pretty cool to be able to look at scripture thousands of years old, particularly because it was in hebrew, but I mean...if you don't speak hebrew it's kinda boring, isn't it? I mean, all the people there with me couldn't even read it. What do you go through an exhibit like that thinking? 'Oh-wow! The middle east, in my backyard! It's so authentic!'


Then I came home and washed the dishes.

And now I gotta go take a shower and put away the candles and take the laundry upstairs.

iguana :)